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Broker 2000 makes extensive use of a GUI interface to simplify the purchasing and selling of tickets. It was designed in a partnership with a large Chicago area ticket broker. 

Key Benefits

Ability to easily and rapidly enter season tickets.
Rapid entry of season schedules.
Ticket source rolodex searchable by name, company, city and/or state.
Customer request and purchase request posting areas.
Monthly event calendar with direct link to ticket sales.
Purchases and sales export feature for integration with all popular accounting systems.
May be used as a networked or standalone system.
Post-it notes associated with events, tickets, customers, and ticket sources.
Robust search engines associated with tickets, customers, sources, etc.

Broker 2000 Demonstration

Information Request Form

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Copyright © 1998 Strategic Software Designs, Inc.
Last modified: October 26, 1998